The PSA Italy forest is born

The PSA Italy terminals have joined forces with Treedom B Corp for the planting of trees in various parts of the world with the aim of bringing about not only environmental, but also economic and social improvements. We asked Francesco Parodi, Head of QHSSE at PSA Genova Services, to tell us about this interesting project. 

Can you tell us how the collaboration with Treedom came about?

The PSA group’s philosophy is to pursue sustainable development objectives through the protection of biodiversity and the fight against CO2 emissions. Treedom is a B Corp that has been working for over ten years to develop agroforestry projects together with local farmers. We decided to work with them to create an eco-sustainable project.

Can you describe your project?

Together with Treedom, PSA Italy has planted 300 trees in parts of the world where there is an extreme exploitation of forestry reserves, so as to contribute to the absorption of CO2  from the atmosphere. The 300 trees planted to date are equal to 76 tons of absorbed CO2. We aim to continue this project and create the “PSA Italy Forest”, donating a tree for each of PSA Italy’s 900 employees. 

How will the PSA Italy Forest develop?

Through continuous planting in the long term by PSA Italy and also by the donation of trees to third parties, for example during the Christmas festivities. It will be a forest that grows and develops by increasing the community’s awareness. Indeed, the development of each agroforestry project of which the trees are a part can be followed on the Treedom website. 

È nata la foresta di PSA Italy

A farmer in Colombia

What initiatives can a container terminal undertake in order to become more sustainable?

Primarily, it is fundamental to create a company culture that is increasingly aware of the importance of environmental sustainability. To do this, it is necessary to involve all staff in the various company events. On a practical level, there are diverse initiatives such as reducing the use of fossil fuels in our vehicles and machinery, the use of LED lighting, the installation of solar or natural gas- powered heating systems for the company’s utilities, the use of environmental management systems ISO14001, which improves the control of energy use and waste production.

Another sustainable activity practised in our PSA Genova Pra’ terminal, which was set up in partnership with the Genova Port Authority, is Cold Ironing; a technology that provides electricity to the berthed ships preventing the use of fossil fuel to keep them running while under operations.

È nata la foresta di PSA Italy

A farmer in Nepal

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